I / 67 Tunnel Stratená reconstruction of the tunnel
execution of construction works, replacement of lighting, including transformer station and switchboard
Investor: Slovak Road Administration
Place of implementation: Stratená Tunnel, Dobšiná locality
Construction description:
Reconstruction of the tunnel Stratená-road single-tube 324 m long tunnel in operation since 1971, tunnel on the first class road no. 67-repair during partial road closure in one lane. The tunnel is located in the Slovak Paradise National Park with the highest fifth degree of protection.
Basic tunnel parameters:
Tunnel type: Single-pipe two-way two-lane tunnel on a 1st class road
Length of the tunnel in the axis: 324 m
Length of embossed part: 324 m
Escape route: 2x 324 m long on both sides of the road
Axle height above the ground: 6,1m
Crossing gabarit: width 7m, height 4.8m
Length of the drainage tunnel in the axis: blind tunnel with one entrance from the irregular H-shaped VP with one transverse corridor – length of the southern corridor 310.76 m, length of the transverse corridor 45.22 m, length of the northern corridor 241.5 m.
Connecting corridor in the tunnel: no
Realized works:
Reconstruction of the tunnel – reconstruction of drainage gutters and sidewalk in the tunnel
-repairs of concrete and stone parts of portals, construction of a boulevard on ZP
-refacing of grouting and cleaning of travertine stone masonry
-geological and geophysical survey
Reconstruction of the drainage tunnel – drainage / 612m / and exploratory nuclear wells / 90m /
-reconstruction of the tunnel bottom and installation of new drainage gutters / 596m /
-mounting of lighting in the tunnel / 596 m /
-geophysical measurements and geological and hydrogeological monitoring
Replacement of transformer station and supply line
New tunnel lighting, including switchboard
Construction period: December 2019-June 2021